[Book Review] Lyon (Lyon's Crew) novel by Jordan Silver: Colton Lyon and Katarina novel

Lyon / Lyon's Crew novel by Jordan Silver

About Lyon (Lyon's Crew) novel

Lyon (Lyon's Crew) is a romance book, written by Jordan Silver, it tells a romance story about Colton Lyon and Katarina.

Colton Lyon is a tough as nails biker who has no time for bullshit. He'd long given up the easy life afforded him by his wealthy upbringing to live life on his own terms. He lives hard and loves harder but has yet to meet a woman he's wanted for more than a few screws that is until he meets his new assistant. The mousy little filly who's afraid of her shadow. He gave her a week, even though his right hand man had begged him to give her the job. Nothing he hates more than sniveling females afraid of their own damn shadow.

Kat's moving halfway across the country to escape a dark past that's left her scarred. Barely eighteen, she should have her whole life ahead of her, but instead fear has robbed her of the spark she once had. When she first meets her new boss she knows there's no way she could take the job, he's just too much of everything with his gruff demeanor and those smoldering looks. The first time she almost swooned at the sight of his muscular tattooed arms she knew she was in trouble.

Meanwhile; Colton was trying to figure out what kind of hex the little mouse had worked on him to keep her on his mind. No matter how he tries to avoid it, there's just something about her that keeps him coming back.

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Hot Chapters of Lyon (Lyon's Crew) novel

Lyon (Lyon's Crew) Chapter 1

I wasn't expecting her, so I guess that's why she blindsided me. This was totally unexpected and at a time when I had all but thrown in my hat and said fuck it.

I'd been playing the field for a while now, and was tired of it. I was looking for something more; something was missing. I'd come close once, but thank God I escaped that nightmare. Turns out she was more interested in status, and all that other superficial bullshit.

So I'd taken a step back, and taken myself out of the game. There just wasn't anyone in my circle that came close to what I was looking for, so I'd decided unofficially to hang it up. I was thirty two, and I guess my biological clock was ticking, if such a thing even existed for a man.

That's when she sidled into my life with no big splash and no fanfare. That wasn't her style, and maybe that's how she did it. Maybe that's how she wrapped herself around my heart so effortlessly.

She was a complete enigma, and she was totally opposite from every woman, or girl, I'd ever been with before. Shy, quiet, and sweet as fuck.


My boy Jared had been going on for weeks about his childhood friend. Some chick named Kat that was moving here from Arizona. Why the hell anyone would want to move here was beyond me, but her dad was here, supposedly, and she was coming to live with him.

The way Jared talked I imagined some timid little thing afraid of her own shadow. The way he made it seem like he'd spent their summers together protecting her from everything. I didn't really have time for that type; they usually just got on my fucking nerves with their simpering asses. Always afraid to try new things!

Jared was dying to bring her to meet the crew when she landed, and I wasn't too jazzed about it, but it was his deal, so whatever.

"So, Colt I was thinking."

"What were you thinking, Jared?" I tightened the front wheel of the beauty I was working on. A chopper for some Hollywood hot shot who would probably total the shit in less than a week. Shit, it was his seventy five thousand down the drain. Why should I care?

I looked back at Jared when he didn't answer right away. I have a cool relationship with my guys. Not only were they part of my riding crew, but most of them worked for me building top of the line bikes.

I knew enough to keep one separate from the other, and I took a lot of pride in the product that left my showroom. If someone wasn't pulling their weight, they were gone. Luckily that wasn't a frequent occurrence, but it has been known to happen.

"Why don't you give Kat the job as receptionist. You haven't found anyone to fill the position so far, and I think she would be perfect."

"I don't know man, the way you talk, I'm not sure she would fit in here."

"You won't know until you try, come on, what'll it hurt?"

"Let me think about it, okay? I'm not making any promises." I wiped the oil off my hands as I looked over my handy work.

"Good enough. Thanks man, I just knew she would be perfect."

"You got the hots for this chick?"

"Who, Kat? Nah, she's like my sister man. I just feel I have to look out for her, ya know?"

"Okay, I hear you, when's she coming again?"

"She'll be here in a couple days; I'll bring her around either way for you guys to meet her."

"Sure, Jared, I'll get back to you before then. If anything, I can always give her a trial run."

He trotted off with a grin, so I'm pretty sure he thought it was a done deal, but we'll see. Like I said, I don't have time for timid little girls.

My crew was a rough and rowdy bunch, and I'm the only refined motherfucker in the bunch, but I'm no prince.

That fucker rode my ass for the next day and a half, until I wanted to bitch slap him just to get some peace and quiet.

Yes, we needed a receptionist. The last one was trying way too hard to get fucked, and I never shit where I eat, so bitch had to go. If I'd been remotely interested in hitting the skins, then I might've broken her off a piece before sending her on her way, but nah.

I wasn't too into the ridden hard and put up wet type, unless I was the one doing the riding.

I'm not as fucked up as I sound, at least, I tell myself I'm not. I come from a refined family that has money, prestige, and the whole nine yards, but for some reason around year sixteen, I decided to break the fuck out.

I said fuck you to the preppy schools, and Harvard medical that was glaring me in the face, and I decided to pursue my own joy.

Thankfully I have a father who backs his kids above all else, or my mom would've guilted me into doing some shit that would've made me miserable for the rest of my days.

It didn't help that two years later my older sister Stacy decided to use her art major education to become a tattoo artist, and I swear to this day my mom still blames me.

Stacy is responsible for my tats, and her and her hubby Emory opened their parlor where they did tattoos and piercings for high-end clientele, so we've pretty much got the badass criteria cornered.

I own my own bike shop, and I run a bike crew of hell raisers, while Stacy and Em paint and pierce the gang.

We're not a real gang, and we don't go around starting fights and stupid shit. I'm not exactly barbaric, we're more into raising money for a good cause like helping little old ladies fix their leaky roofs on the weekend, and shit like that, but the reality is that shit does happen, and sometimes that shit can end with someone in the hospital.

We have rivals who don't like the way we rock, and we could give a fuck. We're more guardian angel than hell's angels, and the community loves and respects us.

That doesn't mean we wouldn't fuck a motherfucker up, or that we haven't, it just means that's not what we're all about. We're not glory hounds, and we just love to fucking ride.


Lyon (Lyon's Crew) Chapter 19

I could see she was rattled by all the attention I'd shown her during dinner. I'd purposely not given her any wine with her meal. I wanted her to have a clear head.

"Come 'ere." I pulled her down on my lap and we sat and watched the skyline, my hand on her bare leg, rubbing circles with my fingers.

"Give me your foot."

She lifted first one leg, and then the other, so I could remove her killer heels. They looked fucking hot on her feet, but I know they had to be just a little uncomfortable.

I played with her anklet for a minute before releasing her leg, and she shivered.




I nuzzled the side of her neck up to her lips and went under. She was wearing a different flavor on her lips this time. Something sweet and spicy that made me nibble on them softly.

My cock was poking into her ass, and I pressed her down harder, enjoying the little grind she added.

"You trust me? Look at me. You trust me to take care of you?"

She nodded her head shyly and I pulled the top of her dress down baring her beautiful breasts to my gaze. Her nipple was hard and sweet on my tongue as I sucked her in.

"Fuck, babe, what're you wearing?"

She'd put something on her skin that tasted like the sweetest candy, fuck. Her hands dug into my hair pulling me closer to the prize.

I changed over from one nipple to the next giving them both the same loving attention before taking her mouth again.

"Let's go." I picked her up, and her arms and legs wrapped securely around me as I made my way to the master suite.

It was a good thing I'd prepared ahead for what was coming, because we were both too far gone. I hadn't even shown her around, that could wait until later. She wasn't going to get to wear her new night gown tonight either. Right now there was only one thing on my mind. Claiming what's mine.

I didn't so much lay her on the bed, as fall on it with her in my arms. Her dress was hastily discarded, and I lost a few buttons as we both tore at my shirt.

"Oh shit..." Her body did that tremble shake thing it does around me, but this time her gaze was locked on my tats as they were revealed.

Her hands went of their own volition to the art that covered one arm and one side of my chest, and then they went up the side of my neck.

"You like it?"

For an answer she reared up and licked me, and my cock jumped behind my zipper. But she soon took care of that too.

Her little fingers fought with my belt until she won the battle, before attacking my zipper. She shoved my pants and boxers down, and her warm, soft hand wrapped around me. I didn't leak, I flowed.

Making my way down her body I ripped the panties she was barely wearing from her body and brought her up to my mouth. The taste of her, her scent, her tightness the combination was almost too much.

She moaned and twisted under my mouth and hands as I fucked her with my tongue.

"Please, please..."

My little virgin with her tight pussy didn't know what she asking for.

I pulled back so she could see all of me, and my straining cock with the pre cum covering the crown. My shit was as hard and full as I've ever seen it.

"Oh merciful..." She seemed lost for words as she reached out with a finger to touch me.

"You think you can handle this cock little girl? You see that bar bell on the crown of my shit, that's not just for show. Once I slide this into you, you'll never want to leave. You've got two minutes to make up your mind.

"I don't need two minutes, I know now." Her eyes were hungry as she looked up at me.

"Suit yourself, but don't say I didn't warn you. If I fuck you, then there's no going back, for either of us."

She laid back and opened her arms and legs, and I fell in between them giving her pussy a finger check to test her readiness. I'd eaten her for a good half hour, but that didn't mean she was ready. Looked like she was.

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