Read Unexpected Fortune: The Long-lost Heir Returns Home by Joshua Damiani - Horace Warren

Unexpected Fortune: The Long-lost Heir Returns Home by Joshua Damiani

Unexpected Fortune: The Long-lost Heir Returns Home

Unexpected Fortune: The Long-lost Heir Returns Home novel is an interesting urban fiction about Horace Warren, written by Joshua Damiani.


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Poverty is a terrible disease. Most humans want to be wealthy.

Are you also one of them?

Well, I'm one of those few people who don't love money. I believe that there was more to life than money.

Money can't buy happiness. At least, that was what I thought until life happened.

My mother became terminally ill and life became more unbearable for me.

It was the lowest point of my life. To make matters worse, my so-called girlfriend dumped me for a rich guy. She wrote me off by saying I would never make it.

I plunged into an abyss of despair and hoped that I had enough money to treat my mother and also prove my ex-girlfriend wrong.

It was at this time that my mother ordered me to break the jade bracelet she had never taken off her wrist since I was born.

Like magic, it triggered an alarm and my biological father found me. I was actually the long-lost heir of a wealthy family.

In the blink of an eye, I went from being a pauper to being the heir to a trillion-dollar business empire.

I became famous and influential. My tears were wiped away overnight.

I was on top of the world!

All the people that looked down on me now wanted to be associated with me.

The wicked girl that broke my heart also tried to reconcile with me.

Do you think I would take her back?

Or would I find my one true love?

Do you want to find out how I went missing and found my way back?

Would I forgive my enemies?

And would this new life be favorable for me?

Chapter 1 The Heavy Secret

It wasn't a good day for Horace Warren. At the Rinas Infirmary, he squatted on the lawn and took a deep breath.

He took out his phone and dialed a number.

The line connected after the first ring.

"Uncle Caden, please can you lend me more money?" He had a hint of helplessness and sadness in his low voice.

Horace had just finished making his request when Caden Barrett's voice came from the other end of the line. "Horace, I know you are a good kid. I trust you. However, I have lent you all the money I have. I wish I can be of help again, but there's nothing I can do now. Why don't you ask Maxwell instead?"

"Uncle Maxwell?" Horace asked bitterly after he heard that suggestion. A few seconds passed before he finally sighed, "Okay, Uncle Caden. Thank you."

After ending the call, he found Maxwell Barrett's number and dialed it.

A machine response came through. "Sorry, the subscriber you dialed cannot be connected for the moment, please redial later."

Maxwell's line had been unreachable since yesterday. Horace felt uneasy about this. He feared that he had been blocked.

A bitter smile appeared on his face. He squatted on the lawn for a long time before he stood up and walked into a ward in the oncology department.

"Horace!" someone called his attention once he stepped into the ward.

"Mom!" Horace looked at the thin and frail woman who was lying on the bed with sunken eyes and sallow skin.

"Ahem... Horace, please don't borrow any more money. I don't think I would make it even if I get the best treatment in the world. I don't want to live like this anymore." The frail woman's eyes glistened with despair. Her face was filled with pain. The next second, it seemed as if she thought of something as a flicker of hesitation crossed her face.

"Mom, don't talk like that. Everything will be fine. You will not die! Didn't you say you want to attend my wedding? Don't you want to meet your daughter-in-law and grandchildren? I haven't gotten married yet, nor do I have children. So, stop talking about dying!"

"Yes, I want to see you settle down." The weak woman's face was filled with longing and sadness. She also looked as if she were struggling.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Horace instantly became worried and confused when he noticed the change in her countenance.

Before she could answer, someone entered the ward.

When Horace saw who it was, he exclaimed, "What are you doing here, Amaia?"

It was Amaia Todd, Horace's girlfriend.

"I came here so you wouldn't ruin my life." Amaia shot him a disdainful stare and continued, "To be frank, I had concerns before agreeing to date you because you are poor. But I waved my fears aside on the basis that you have great potential. I hoped that you would get rich in the future and I would benefit from you. But I don't think that's feasible now. Your mother is suffering from stage 3 rectal cancer. She has undergone several treatments and still has many more to go. I don't think you can cover all the expenses. You would become a pauper in the end. For this reason, I have decided not to waste my time waiting for you. I need to find a wealthy man who would give me the luxurious life that I deserve!"

"Amaia, how can you say such a thing? We've been together for a year. Have you forgotten the good times we shared? Is our relationship worthless to you?" Horace roared, and then continued persuasively, "Please, trust me. I can earn a lot of money and pay for my mother's medical bills soon. This too shall pass. If you don't leave me at my worst, I will take good care of you when I make money in the future. Don't break up with me, okay?"

"Bah! Horace, do you think you can still deceive me? Do you take me for a fool or what? Oh my God! I was so stupid to have stayed with a poor church mouse like you for a whole year! Since I had a date with Addy Moran, I have realized that you and he are worlds apart." Amaia spat at him and added, "Nothing you say would make me change my mind. I came here to tell you that it's over between us! From now on, we have nothing to do with each other. Don't bother me again. Broke ass!"

Immediately after Amaia said these words, she strode out of the ward and disappeared from Horace's sight. She left him no chance to speak.

Horace was tongue-tied due to shock. He could only stare at Amaia's receding figure with unfocused eyes. Never in his wildest dreams had he expected that his girlfriend of over a year would serve him a heartbreak at the lowest point of his life.

"Horace! Horace!" Horace didn't come to his senses until his mother shouted his name a few times.

"Yes, Mom!" He fought back the tears that were gathering in his eyes. He took a deep breath, turned around, and asked softly, "What's wrong, Mom? I'm here!"

With a sad expression, he added, "Mom, I'm sorry you had to see that!"

"Shush. You don't have to apologize. I'm your mother. And I won't laugh at you." Horace's mother smiled bitterly. "My dear, don't be sad because of that woman. She doesn't deserve you at all!"

"Mom, you are right. I shouldn't shed tears over someone that doesn't care about or believe in me. My condition is not permanent. I will definitely become successful in the future!" Horace beat his chest with determination on his face.

"That's my boy. Now go and close the door."

Horace nodded and closed the door. Although he didn't have enough money to have her stay in a VIP ward, she was the only patient in this ward for now. Thus, they were all alone at this moment.

"Horace, I have something important to tell you. Please don't get mad at me after you hear it. You have to understand I did what's best for you," she said seriously. Her depressed facial expression had changed after Amaia came here and she looked firm now.

"Mom, I would never get mad at you. No matter what it is, you are my mother. I love you so much that you can do no wrong in my eyes. So, don't be afraid. I'm all ears."

"Horace, actually, I'm not your biological mother!"

"What? Ha-ha! Mom, stop cracking such an expensive joke. It's not funny!"

"Horace, I'm not kidding. Haven't you always pestered me since childhood to tell you who your father is? I'll tell you today!"

"Mom, my father's identity is not important now. Save it for later!"

"No, it's very important. You need to know your true identity. It would prove that that woman doesn't deserve you at all. You need to know that you aren't a bastard! Your biological mother made me promise not to reveal this secret. She wanted to make sure you lived an ordinary life, away from the unnecessary drama of the world. But I can't continue to keep you in the dark. I have to break the promise I made to her!"

"Mom, the treatment seems to be taking a toll on you. Why don't you sleep for a while?"

"Horace, come here and listen to me!"

"What's up, Mom?" Horace walked up to his mother when he heard her serious words.

She raised her left hand and said to him, "Take off the bracelet and smash it!"

"What?" His mother's order stunned him. He screamed and asked, "Mom, didn't you say this bracelet is an heirloom passed down to several generations in our family? Why do you want me to smash it?"

"Horace, are you going to start an argument with me now?"

"No, Mom. I will do as you have said." With these words, Horace took off the jade bracelet from her wrist and put it on the bedside table. He then looked around the ward for something hard that could smash it.

"Don't waste any time. Smash it with your fist!"

"Well... Okay!" Although he was a little shocked by her impatient command, he punched the jade bracelet without hesitation.

A loud bang echoed in the ward as the bracelet broke into pieces. Some sharp fragments pierced Horace's hand. Blood seeped out almost immediately.


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